The Idea: Travel to Raise Funds for the World Bicycle Relief

Rock 1200The idea to travel far by bicycle came up during a a photo show of a great cycling traveler called Claude Marthaler back in 2007. Working as a bicycle express messenger in Geneva (Switzerland), I’ve managed to build a traveling bicycle with which I’ve made several trips through Europe ranging from a few hundreds to 2500 kilometers.

Since I have experience in development cooperation and a particular interest in the issue of sustainable mobility, I thought about how such a trip could raise awareness for these topics. That way, the idea came up to generate funding for the bicycle development organization World Bicycle Relief (WBR). You can read more about why I chose this organization below.


The message

The objective of the campaign is to show people that bicycles represent a major tool in achieving goals such as

  • poverty reduction: access to education and markets for goods and services
  • public health: promotion of physical activity and reduction of atmospheric pollution
  • environmental protection: no fuel consumption and no emissions of gasses, particles and noise



This trip will generate a great story on making a difference simply and effectively. We will publish little stories illustrated by nice photos via online and print media. If you wish, your logo will be made visible on my jersey and publications.

We are looking for sponsors who believe in the bicycle as a tool to evolve towards a more healthy, prosperous, fair and environmentally compatible future.

Concerning the industrial sector, this points at cycling brands as a major focus group. But since we would like to rely on high-end quality materials during our trip, producers of outdoor equipment shall also be contacted as sponsors.


Options for sponsoring

The sponsors can choose whether they would like to

– furnish equipment for the trip

– contribute to the fund-raising via a certain monetary sum per kilometer

– contribute the alleviate the rider’s suffering by offering him a night in an accommodated night, a warm plate or a pair of new tires.


The destination

Since the World Bicycle Relief works mostly in Africa, this would be the most „nearby“ destination. But there are WBR projects in Indonesia and Philippines as well, and actually my dream has long been to cycle to Asia.

Finally, I have not yet set my mind up where the trip shall go. But in the end it will not be the destination that counts anyways…


Why WBR?

This is not a development project serving national interests or imposing a foreign economic model. WBR is a (501c3) nonprofit social enterprise promoting the already wide use of bicycles partnering with local non-profits.

The specially conceived WBR bicycles are mounted in Africa and distributed partnering with local micro-finance institutions. Children and families can also earn bicycles in exchange for work done to improve their rural communities and the environment.

The bicycles are provided to the local sectors of health-care, education as well as small entrepreneurs. The maintenance of the bicycles is assured by training mechanics and furnishing spare parts.


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